Contact Support+91 7030459307

We know the primary objective of Business
that’s why, work closely with clients

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What We Offers

Senior to Mid-Level Recruitment

Our Senior to Mid-Level Recruitment Services are designed to address the unique hiring needs of organizations seeking experienced professionals for mid to senior-level positions. We ...

Hospital & Medical College Recruitment

We specialize in providing comprehensive recruitment solutions tailored specifically for hospitals and medical colleges. Our expertise in this niche sector enables us to address the ...

International Healthcare Talent Search

Our International Healthcare Talent Search is designed to connect healthcare organizations with top-tier medical professionals /doctors of India. Recognizing the increasing demand for highly….

Value Added Services

At Access Right Services, we offer a range of value-added services designed to enhance your recruitment strategy and strengthen your organizational presence. Our comprehensive services ...

PRIMOR allows you to take full control of your business from very start!

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years of TRUST
and excellence


Realiable & Enthusiastic

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Performance Driven

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Leadership Ideas Builder

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Recent Projects


Team Members

Mr. Roopesh Gupta

Ms. Neetu Patle

Dr. Gauri Motiwale

Ms. Shivani Fule

Get in Touch

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    Helping clients to unlock & unleash the power within their large scale Business